Jolente De Maeyer and Nikolaas Kende

Violin & Piano

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Praised for their ‘symbiotic playing’, ‘pervasive lyricism' and their ‘powerful yet poetic playing’, the De Maeyer - Kende duo is being recognized as one of the leading musical duos in Europe.

After their successes at international competitions, Jolente De Maeyer and Nikolaas Kende began performing as soloists with all major Belgian orchestras. Highlights were the concert tours of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto with the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Philippe Herreweghe, and the Brahms 2nd piano concerto with the Brussels Philharmonic under Ainars Rubikis.

As a duo, concerts throughout Europe followed. De Maeyer/Kende has performed in in all major concert halls in Belgium and the Netherlands as well as at Festivals such as the Festivals of Flanders, Festival de musica y dansa Granada, Festival de Montpelier, Festival de Menton, Festival di Ravello, Festival di Bari, Guiting Festival and Westport Festival.

Their collaboration as a duo for over 18 years has elicited enthusisastic reviews by the press, who has remarked on their exceptional synergy and harmony. Since 2016 the duo is a regular guest in concert halls in South Africa, Canada, China and America where they have performed amongst others at the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts Chicago, Dumbarton Oaks concerts Georgetown, Flagler concert series Florida, Embassy Series Washington DC, Lane Series Vermont, Cactus Pear Festival San Antonio.

Following De Maeyer’s ‘Editors Choice’ award by Diapason and the ‘Young Soloist of the Year’ award by Belgian classical Radio Klara, Warner Classics released their duo recording, ‘Kreutzer Sonata’ in 2016. The CD won the ‘Gold Label Prize’ for best chamber music album of 2016 by Klassiek Centraal. De Standaard wrote about this: 'You want to listen to this captivating recital album again immediately after the last track'.

In 2020 their newest album ‘Remains’ was released by Evil Penguin Record Classics. Fanfare magazine wrote about this: ‘This disc is a perfect example of musicians whose passionate playing and imaginative interpretations can outweigh the éclat and fastidiousness of more familiar names.’

Having had their training at the conservatories of London, Berlin, Brussels and Munich with artists such as Augustin Dumay and Elisso Virsaladze, these artists are now professors at conservatories in Belgium and the Netherlands and have given masterclasses in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Texas, California and China.
One of the leading Belgian violinists, Jolente De Maeyer, has brought her virtuosity and passionate interpretations to diverse global audiences. She is recognized as an exceptionally gifted artist, reflected in the numerous awards and effusive reviews she has received for both her live performances and recordings.

Prizewinner of several international competitions in Portugal (Cardona Competition), Russia (Liana Issakadze Competition) and London (Benjamin Britten Competition), Jolente performed with all major Belgian orchestras. Highlights included concerto performances with Brussels Philharmonic, Antwerp Symphony, Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonnie, Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège, the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra, the St-Petersburg State Academic Capella Symphony Orchestra. In 2016 Jolente was awarded the prize ‘most promising young artist of the year’ by the Belgian radio.

Jolente is a regular guest in major concert halls such Bozar, Flagey, Elisabeth Hall, de Singel and at festivals such as the Festival of Flanders, Festival de Montpellier and Menton (France), Festival di Bari (Italy). Furthermore, she has performed in Russia, France, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, as well as in London's Wigmore Hall, Royal Albert Hall and at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival in Switzerland.

In 2013 Jolente made her debut in America (Texas) with the Waco Symphony Orchestra and Stephen Heyde, and returned since then numerous times to America, performing in Texas (Houston, Austin, San Antonio), California (San Francisco, Fresno, LA) and Vermont, Florida, California, Texas, Washington DC and New York. She also performed in the Netherlands Antilles, Canada and South Africa.

Her recordings include concerti by Saint-Saens and Vieuxtemps with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Liège with Christian Arming, awarded an ‘Editors Choice’ from Diapason, and the CD ‘Kreutzer sonata’ with duo partner Nikolaas Kende, awarded a ‘Gold Label’ from Klassiek Centraal for best chamber music album of 2016. In 2020 their next CD 'Remains' was released by Evil Penguin Records.

After an invitation from Yehudi Menuhin when she was 14 years old, Jolente studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School in the UK. She continued her studies in London, Berlin and Waterloo where she graduated in the class of Augustin Dumay in 2013.

Since 2018 Jolente is professor of violin at the Conservatory of Tilburg, the Netherlands and at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, Belgium. Jolente has given masterclasses in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Texas and California. Jolente is the artistic leader of BRYGGEN - Bruges Strings since 2018.
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‘Completely spellbinding not just in technical matters but in stylistic sensibility and musical characterisation as well’
The Gramophone
‘Poet in every inch of his fingers’ Le Progres

Nikolaas Kende has been praised for his poetic playing and honest, passionate musicality. Critics have honored his sensitive and visionary musicianship and his flawless skills always serving the music. Both as soloist and chamber musician he is a highly demanded pianist on international concert stages.

A winner of several competitions, including the Cantabile, EPTA, Vriendenkrans Concertgebouw Amsterdam and Tenuto competitions, Nikolaas started performing in all major halls in Belgium and the Netherlands. Highlights included the performances of the piano concertos by Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann and Bartok with Brussels Philharmonic, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, National Radio Orchestra Romania, among others.

After a concert at the Festival de Dansa y Musica Granada in 2019 'Ideal' wrote: 'This promising pianist caresses the keyboard, expressive with colors and tender with the melody and all the degrees of affection that typify the romantic soul'.
Besides being a regular guest at the Festival of Flanders, he has also performed at festivals in Italy (Ravello, Rome, Bari), France (Menton, Montpellier, Vexin), Portugal (Coimbra), Germany (Görlitz, Munich, Bad Berleburg) , Austria (Salzburg), Ireland (Westport), UK (Cotswolds), Czech Republic (Prague), Spain (Zaragoza, Madrid).

Nikolaas made his debut in America in 2009 with the 1st piano concerto of Brahms. This debut was well received in the press, “One could almost imagine a young Brahms at the keyboard doing precisely the same thing: more intent on communicating his piece than dazzling listeners with his performance.” Since then he has returned to America annually and has toured in Texas (Houston, Austin, San Antonio), California (San Francisco, Fresno, LA) and Vermont, Florida, California, Texas, Washington DC and New York. In 2019 amongst others his debut for the 'Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts' in Chicago.

He also performed in the Netherlands Antilles, Canada and South Africa, where several tours followed.
In 2018 he made his debut in China with recitals in Bejijng, Harbin, Chongqing and Chengdu. Concerts in Shanghai, Xi'An, Yangzhou and Guangzhou followed in 2019. Also for the next seasons, concerts are planned in North America, Canada, South Africa and China.

As a chamber music partner he was a member of the Narziss und Goldmund trio and the Rubens Ensemble. His duo with violinist Jolente De Maeyer, which iexists for almost 20 years, is often praised in the press for its exceptional synergy and harmony. The duo's debut CD 'Kreutzer Sonata' was released by Warner and won a Golden Label from Klassiek Centraal for best chamber music album of 2016.
In 2020 their next CD 'Remains' was released by Evil Penguin Records.

Nikolaas studied in Antwerp with his parents, Heidi Hendrickx
and Levente Kende, in Amsterdam with Jan Wijn and in Munich and Fiesole with Elisso Virsaladze. In addition he studied with such artists as Murray Perahia, Aldo Ciccolini and Radu Lupu.

In 2015, Nikolaas was appointed professor of piano at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. He has given masterclasses in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Texas, California and China.